libvirt Networking Handbook

This guide demonstrates the most common aspects of libvirt networking, whether running virtual machines (VMs) on a dedicated server or within a home lab.

How to choose a network type

On a dedicated server — where VMs often need to be publicly accessible — a Bridged network is ideal and allows each VM to bind to its own public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If bridging is not possible, create a Routed network. If the server has limited public IPv4 addresses, a NAT-based network that forwards incoming connections may be the only option.

Inside an intranet or home lab, a NAT-based network gives VMs outbound network access. If VMs are running services that must be accessible from other systems on the LAN, create a Bridged network (for an Ethernet connected libvirt host) or a Routed network (for a wirelessly connected libvirt host).

If you want to prevent libvirt from automatically inserting iptables rules, create a Bridged network, Custom routed network, or Custom NAT-based network.
